Growing and building community for all
Founded in 1975, the West Salem Neighborhood Association serves as a forum for neighbors to come together to create the community where you want to live. The association seeks to involve neighbors in local government planning and decision-making. If you live, work, or own property in West Salem, you are invited to join the conversation.
West Salem Neighborhood Association, in the northwest part of the city, is bordered by the Willamette in the southeast and is located in Polk County. The business districts of West Salem are located on Edgewater Street and Wallace Road.
West Salem Neighborhood Association
Our executive board is made up of residents and community members of West Salem who dedicate their personal time to volunteer their time and energy towards bettering our neighborhood.
Committee Chairs
Communication: Vacant
Parks: Pamela Garland
Land Use: Steve Anderson
Glenn Gibson Water Shed: E.M. Easterly
Transportation: Nick Fortey
Welcoming: Robert Garcia
Social Media: Vacant
Chair: Michael Freitas
Vice Chair: Sara Campos
Secretary: Drew Strayer
Treasurer: Beverly Freitas
Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) below!
What is a neighborhood association (NA)?
What does a neighborhood Association Do?
A Neighborhood Association (NA) is a voluntary organization, made up of residents who work together to improve and maintain the quality of life in their respective neighborhoods. Neighborhood Associations can form out of concern over a particular issue or as a means of enhancing a sense of community.
Neighborhood Associations are run by resident volunteers who work to keep residents informed about issues important to their neighborhoods. They also advocate for residents before city government. NA’s are organizations formally recognized by the City of Salem as a forum for citizens to address the issues that you care about including:
Improving the neighborhood by working on projects that enhance the neighborhood's quality of life like park improvements, street safety, and road signage.
Enhancing the community by creating a sense of unity and boosting neighborhood pride.
Communicating with government, serving as a link between the city and neighborhood citizens on issues like land development, transportation, safety and crime prevention.
Providing input to local government on what’s important to our community.
Hosting events like block parties, CPR classes, neighborhood clean-up days, and other neighborhood events.