WSNA General Meeting

  • Thursday Dec 7 ,2023 Starting at 6:30 PM
  • Location
    • Roth’s (1130 Wallace Road. NW., Salem Or. 97304)
    • New Room please look for sign indicating the room we are in


Chair–Mike Freitas,

Vice-Chairs– Sara Campos

Secretary– Drew Strayer



Call meeting to order.

Reading of equity statement > Sara


Approval of agenda

Any additions to agenda from the body

Motion to approve agenda.



         Any corrections or additions to minutes

Motion to approve minutes.



  • Salem Police Department
  • Councilor
    • Ward 1
    • Ward 8


  • Chair Announcements
  • Finance Report
  • Committee Reports
    • Does any committee chair have any announcements?
    • Does anyone have any questions for a committee chair?
      • Welcoming > Robert
      • Communication>Maureen
      • Houseless > Drew Strayer
      • Transportation > Nick
      • Glenn and Gibson Creeks Watershed > E.M
      • Parks > Linda
      • Treasure > Beverly
      • Land Use > Steven

 Next Meeting

            There will be no meeting in January.

Next scheduled meeting will be held on February 1,2024 at 6:30 PM.