Hello Neighbors,

Wanted to reach out and remind everyone that our West Salem Neighbors Association general meeting is this Thursday the 1st of August. We will be meeting at Roth’s on Wallace Road and the meeting starts at 6:30.

We have a couple of special guests:

  • Transportation Planning Manager
    • Julie Hanson
      • Topic 1st NW
    • Code Compliance Officer
      • Chris Russell
    • Emergency Manager
      • Joe Hutchinson

Nominations for new officers will be on the agenda for this meeting as well.

WSNA General Meeting Minutes

Thursday June 6, 2024 

Location: Roth’s at 1130 Wallace Road NW, Salem OR 97304 

Meeting Called to Order: 6:33 PM

Meeting Adjourned: 8:35 PM

Board Members Present: Chair–Mike Freitas, Vice Chair -Sara Campos
Treasurer – Beverly Freitas, Nick Fortey, EM Easterly, Steve Anderson, Maureen
Zwicker, Pamela Garland

Board Members Absent: Secretary– Drew Strayer

# Residents Present: 12


Call meeting to order: Mike

Reading of equity statement: Sara

Any additions to agenda from the body: Added neighbors from Onyx to

Approval of agenda: Approved

Minutes: Mike Reviewed onscreen

Any corrections or additions to minutes: None

Approval of minutes: Approved


  • GuestSalem Police Department:
  • National night out -Aug 6
  • Community violence response initiative warm weather equals increase in violence July and Aug community discussion (TBD)
  • Vacation home checks are free
  • Paws on patrol
  • Landscaping volunteers needed
  • Bank robber was captured

City Councilors 

  • Ward 1: Not Present (other Neighborhood Association commitments)
  • Ward 8: Councilor Varney:
  • 6/21 is make music day
  • FY 25 647K opioid settlement
  • Gaza ceasefire resolution
  • Public hearing on budget scheduled
  • 6/17 Joint city council /planning commission work session on housing
  • 6/24 council meeting to adopt budget

Revenue Committee: Katy Ciancetta – 

  • Criteria for revenue
    •  Progressive vs. regressive
    •  Sustainable
    •  Administrative complexity
    • Top 10 ideas are being discussed and will be presented to the council


Onyx group 

discussed safety concerns on their street when they reached out to the city and was told that they had to
come to the neighborhood association and get approval. They presented their suggestion, and the
membership made a motion to support the group andwas passed. Chair Freitas stated that he would notify the
city that the motion had passed


Chair Announcements: Mike

  • Discussion took place on spending the balance of the engagement funds as follows:
      •  Website refresh
      • Merchandise that has WSNA information
      • Tablecloth
      • Sign board
      • Penlight and whistle for national night out Lanyards
      • Business cards
      • Other items to get the word out to the community
      • A motion was made to move forwarded with the spending in this way.
      • Vote was taken and the motion passed

o  Discussion around hybrid meetings may try one in September

Committee Reports: Will be uploaded to website.

  • New committee is being formed (Engagement Committee) anyone interested in being on the committee should reach out to the chair

Next Meeting 

There will be no meeting in July Next general membership meeting will be held August 1, 2024 at 6:30 PM at 

Equity Statement 

The WSNA (West Salem Neighborhood Association) is committed to reducing
equity gaps, increasing access for all, and creating a safe community for everyone.

Safety and belonging for all West Salem residents is vital. We must be
inclusive in conducting business and promoting policies that protect age, race,
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion, and other individual

The association commits to integrating equity into the fabric of our
association and the Delivery of public services in pursuit of equal, fair, and just outcomes for all.

General Meeting Agenda Rev 1

August 1,2024

WSNA General Meeting

  • Thursday Aug 1,2024 Starting at 6:30 PM
  • Location
    • Roth’s (1130 Wallace Road. NW., Salem Or. 97304)


Chair–Mike Freitas, michaelfreitas9459@att.net

Vice-Chairs– Sara Campos

Secretary– Drew Strayer



Call meeting to order.

Reading of equity statement > Sara


Approval of agenda

Any additions to agenda from the body

Motion to approve agenda.



         Any corrections or additions to minutes

Motion to approve minutes.




  • Salem Police Department
  • Transportation Planning Manager
    • Julie Hanson
      • Topic 1st NW
    • Councilor
      • Ward 1
      • Ward 8
    • Code Compliance Officer
      • Chris Russell
    • Emergency Manager
      • Joe Hutchinson
    • Communications Funds Update
      • Beverly Freitas
    • Chair Announcements


  • Nominations
    • Chair
    • Vice Chair
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
  • Committee Reports
    • Does anyone have any questions for a committee chair?
      • Welcoming > Robert
      • Communication>Maureen
      • Houseless > Drew Strayer
      • Transportation > Nick
      • Glenn and Gibson Creeks Watershed > E.M
      • Parks > Pamela
      • Land Use > Steven

 Next Meeting

            Next scheduled meeting will be held on September5 ,2024 at 6:30 PM.