Highlights from October 5 meeting
We had a packed house for our October 5th meeting! First on the agenda was the election and confirmation of the 2023-2024 board. Officers are elected, and committee chairs are appointed each year. All serve a one-year term that commences immediately upon tallying the votes. Congratulations and thank-you to our 2023-2024 WSNA board:
Chair: Michael Freitas
Vice Chair: Sara Campos
Secretary: Drew Strayer
Treasurer: Beverly Freitas
Committee Chairs
Welcoming: Robert Garcia
Communications: Maureen Zwicker
Parks: Linda Bierley
Houseless: Drew Strayer
Transportation: Nick Fortey
Glenn and Gibson Creek Watershed: E.M. Easterly
Land Use: Steven Anderson
Aaron Kimsey and Tory Banford from the City Works Department provided an update on the NW 2 street expansion project. The work is being completed in two phases, the first, finishing what can be done over the winter, the second starting next spring. The new road will provide better connectivity for commuters, while attracting more business to WS. The roads will be narrowed to provide traffic calming, allow for on-street parking, ADA ramps, curbs, sidewalks and crosswalks, new street lighting, and landscaping. Great renovation to our WS neighborhood!
Linda Bierley shared project ideas for the upcoming SPIF park grants. A vote was held, and litter prevention prevailed! WSNA is requesting funds for garbage cans to be added next to the new picnic tables in Edgewater Park. A Letter of Intent will be submitted by October 31
Next meeting: Thursday, November 2, 6:30 at Roth’s. We are excited to Welcome Mayor Chris Hoy as our guest speaker, and Mark Wardell, Team Lead for West Salem Community Emergency Response (CERT). Looking forward to seeing you!