WSNA General Meeting Minutes
Thursday December 7,2023
Meeting Location: Roth’s at 1130 Wallace Road NW, Salem OR 97304
Meeting Called to Order: 6:30 PM
Meeting Adjourned: 7:48 PM
Board Members Present: Chair–Mike Freitas, Vice-Chair– Sara Campos, Secretary– Drew Strayer, EM, Roberto Garcia, Pamela Garland, Maureen Zwicker, Nick Fortey, Steve Anderson
# Residents Present: 9 (3 were speakers)
Call meeting to order: Mike Frietas
Reading of Equity Statement: Sara Campos
Any additions to agenda from the body: Ellen Stevens for Dolly Parton Library
Approval of agenda: EM, Maureen, All
Any corrections or additions to minutes: N/A
Approval of minutes: EM, Pamela, All
Salem Police Department: Sgt. Asey. Toy drive for 0–14-year-old kids – By Dec. 13, 2023, at Collection Sites at SALEM ELECTRIC on 7 St.
Crime Prevention Unit: Officer Jantz, Paws on Patrol (neighborhood watch while walking dogs.)
Take precautions to protect from thefts as the holidays approach. Don’t leave things in the car if can help it. Bring packages inside the house. Use a package delivery lockbox (from Amazon) on porch. Responded to questions.
(Next mtg presentation focus: just released City Gun Violence Assessment Report)
o Ward 1: Councilor Stapleton not present
o Ward 8: Councilor Varney: She is a member of a work group to develop strategies for moving houseless neighbors along with Councilors Stapleton and Hoy joining with City Staff (Gretchen Bennett, Public Works, etc.). Working with aim to conclude sheltering at Wallace Marine Park.
NWHS, City Police SOS team, and other groups go into the park to offer education, supplies, alternate sheltering options and cleanup.
City passed the new Sign Code, TSP for Titan Village and Colorado Dr., Got motion included in Findings that while the one road complies with existing code, it does not meet people’s accessibility needs. (It does not comply with ADA grade requirement.)
New Climate Friendly Rules for Parking lots passed.
Councilor Varney shared statistics from the gun violence report reflecting Years 2021-2023.
Infrastructure Bond oversight committee began meeting in April. Projects evaluated with an equity lens as scored by City staff. Working on acquiring property to allow Wallace Marine work to proceed.
Revenue Task Force on 11/27/23 following failure of payroll tax – returned to looking at other revenue sources. Plans to finalize a charter about that task force on Monday, 12/11/23 City Council Mtg. Seeking public participation yet challenged by people’s working schedules – and offering a stipend to facilitate participation.
Must eliminate 41 City employee positions for final 6 months of current budget year.
Library: on agenda for Monday 12/11/23 council meeting and planning to reduce hours due to vacant positions that cannot be filled.
Responded to Neighbors’ questions.
Chair Announcements:
Ellen Stevens: Dolly Parton Imagination Library:
3 grade elementary students are tested for reading and compiled nationwide. Salem Keizer scores: 46% could read proficiently. West Salem 3 grade reading proficiency varied from 29% to 46%.
State of Oregon will match local donations to the organization. Ellen will provide contact info for donations.
Mike Frietas: Chair:
Reported on WSNA Council testimony at last meeting.
Reported on visit with residents at Capital Manor
Shared that 5 WSNA Executive Board Members attended City training on 12/4/23 on communications and Roberts Rules of Order.
Reimbursement for projector went through and now $1,529.85 in account.
Committee Reports:
o Does any committee chair have any announcements? N/A
o Does anyone have any questions for a committee chair? N/A
▪ Welcoming > Robert: no updates or questions
▪ Communication > Maureen: no updates or questions
▪ Houseless > Drew Strayer:
Warming Center Volunteers can learn more from Community Action Agency:
Gretchen Bennett from City will present at 2/1/24 mtg.
Invited DJ Vincent from Church at the Park (microshelter communities) to present at 2/1/24 mtg. but unable to attend, perhaps in March.
▪ Transportation > Nick: No questions or updates.
▪ Glenn and Gibson Creeks Watershed > E.M:
(5 board members attended City training on Robert Rules of Order and Communications/newsletters. Irma Coleman, City Staff, indicated that the 5 members who participated will generate a credit from the City to the WSNA account for that participation.)
No other updates
▪ Parks > Pamela: no updates or questions
▪ Treasurer > Beverly: no updates or questions
▪ Land Use > Steven: Mt. Lutz will present at a Spring meeting on his apartment complex.
Re: 1700 Edgewater – no commercial use permits yet – only for the paving to prepare for development.
Next Meeting
There will be no meeting in January.
Next scheduled meeting will be held on February 1,2024 at 6:30 PM at Roth’s on Wallace NW.
Equity Statement
The WSNA (West Salem Neighborhood Association) is committed to reducing equity
gaps, increasing access for all, and creating a safe community for everyone.
Safety and belonging for all West Salem residents is vital. We must be inclusive in
conducting business and promoting policies that protect age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion, and other individual identities.
The association commits to integrating equity into the fabric of our association and the
Delivery of public services in pursuit of equal, fair, and just outcomes for all.