6:30 PM – Call to Order
6:32 PM – Reading of Equity Statement "The WSNA is committed to reducing equity gaps, increasing access for all, and creating a safe community for everyone. Safety and belonging for all West Salem residents is vital. We must be inclusive in conducting business and promoting policies that protect age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion, and other individual identities. The association commits to integrating equity into the fabric of our association and the delivery of public services in pursuit of equal, fair, and just outcomes for all."
6:32 PM – Approval of Agenda and Minutes
Motion to Approve Agenda: EM and Pamela, Approved
Motion to Approve Minutes: Kathy and Dan, Approved
6:35 PM – New Business
Salem Police Department (5 Minutes)
Updates on holiday events, traffic enforcement, and collaborative efforts with OSP and Polk County.
Discussed traffic calming devices, noise complaints, and challenges enforcing noise statutes.
Key Points:
16 speeding tickets and 10 other infractions issued on Route 22 in a recent operation.
Updates on Glen Creek traffic calming devices and plans for cooperative efforts to address Route 22 issues.
Fire Chief David Gerboth (15 Minutes)
Overview of ambulance services transitioning to Fire Department operations.
Updates on staffing, budget impacts, and operational timelines.
Key Points:
New ambulances and EMT recruitment are underway, with no expected general budget impact.
Questions raised about planning for seismic and severe weather events and collaboration with Polk County.
Elizabeth Thorley, PE, City of Salem (20 Minutes)
Topic: Orchard Heights Road NW: Snowbird to Westhaven (Salem) Project
Updates on design plans, ADA enhancements, bioswales, streetlights, and construction timelines.
Key Points:
$1.3 million project cost, including federal funding.
Equipment for the crossing to be purchased in advance to mitigate delays.
City Councilor Updates (Ward 8 & 1) – 10 Minutes
Micky Varney (Ward 8):
Updates on homelessness, violence reduction, infrastructure, and urban renewal board restructuring.
Discussion on potential livability levy and budget impacts.
Paul Kiegan (Ward 1):
Shared insights on council priorities and public comments regarding levy efforts.
Key Topics:
Speed bumps on Rogers Lane.
Governance assessment and restructuring of boards and commissions.
7:45 PM – WSNA Committees (15 Minutes)
Pamela, Parks: Awaiting funding approval for West Salem Parks.
Pamela, Community Engagement: Encouraged more participation in the committee.
Drew, Houseless Neighbors: Seeking sites for warming shelters in West Salem.
Nick, Transportation: Mentioned the upcoming traffic system plan schedule.
Steve, Land Use: Updates on affordable housing developments, landfill capacity, and transfer station plans in Rickreall.
EM, Glen Gibson Watershed: Announced a Zoom meeting for Minto-Brown Park updates on December 10th.
7:55 PM – Raffle Incentive
8:00 PM – Adjourn