WSNA is one of 18 hardworking Neighborhood Associations in Salem, helping to maintain and improve the quality of life in our cities, increase citizen participation in local decision making, and form an effective partnership between the City and neighborhood residents.

The WSNA is directed by a dedicated group of people called the Board consisting of four officers and six committee Chairs. These folks (all volunteers) work tirelessly on behalf of our neighborhood addressing such issues as land development and affordable housing, access to essential services, environmental degradation, and loss of green space, and overburdened public services, transportation, and utilities. All these issues affect the future quality of life in West Salem.

Please help shape the future of West Salem by joining us at our monthly meetings. An hour or two a month of your time can have lasting effects for our neighborhood.

Upcoming October Meeting Highlights

Thursday, October 5th, 6:30 pm, Roth’s on Wallace Road

  • 2023/2024 Executive Officer Elections: Cast your ballot for the new Board!
  • City Council updates presented by Councilors Miki Varney and/or Virginia Stapleton
  • City of Salem Police Officer report
  • Committee Reports: Land Use, Watershed, Parks, Transportation, Houseless.
    • Updates include information about the new housing development on Orchard Heights Road, and requests for Salem Parks Improvement Funds (SPIF) grant ideas.
  • Open Forum: Neighborhood Participation and Meeting accessibility