Join our Webinar on Proposed Housing Code
Amendment May 28
Join us for a webinar on Tueday, May 28 to learn about an upcoming proposed code amendment that aims to promote housing development in Salem.
The proposed code amendment encourages the development of a variety of housing types and implements changes in State rules and law. Examples of proposed changes include:
- Allowing small mixed-use buildings more broadly in Salem
- Allowing middle housing on small lots zoned for multifamily housing
- Establishing a streamlined historic design review process for new housing
- Revising minimum densities to align with State rules
- Allowing adjustments to design standards in several zones
- Allowing commercial buildings to convert into housing in compliance with State law
Webinar Details
The webinar is from 1 to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28. You can join the webinar on Zoom on your computer or by phone:
You can watch the webinar live on YouTube:
Next Steps
The Historic Landmarks Commission and Planning Commission will hold a joint public hearing on the proposed code amendment on Tuesday, June 11 at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at the Salem Civic Center, 555 Liberty Street SE. A staff report with the full proposed code amendment will be available here prior to the public hearing.
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